Here are some of the behind the scenes shots from our branding film! If you haven’t seen it yet – CLICK HERE to see that post and the video :)

HUGE thanks to Angela Shae and everyone who took photos on their phones!

Fun Facts:
*Because of the remote nature of the location – we hiked approximately 30 MILES around Drift Creek Falls in order to set everything up, film and clear out.

*In order to create a “wedding” in the forest – we had to carry a generator, lights, wiring, camera gear, flowers and all the tools needed to decorate the area. Then carry them back…

*Permitting was required by the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service to film and set up lights in the park. Part of the agreement was that after we were done – there could be no evidence of our presence left in the area. We left home around 2am that day..or technically, the next day :)

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