After shooting 3 engagement sessions with Tim & Elvi – it felt like I was shooting my good friends :) We had a blast from morning till night! The venue was beautiful, the food was excellent, the views were extraordinary and probably the most amazing thing was that IT DIDN’T RAIN! :) The forecast showed a possibility of rain but God was watching over us and the whole family was praying and hoping for good weather. Here are the links to Tim & Elvi’s engagement sessions: summer, fall, and winter.

Quick shout-out to Aaron Almquist of Almquist Video Production. He produced Tim & Elvi’s video which can be seen HERE. It’s pretty awesome and he does great work.

Here are some of my favorite shots from their wedding day:
(The white guitar in some of the shots was the bride’s late fathers. It holds incredible significance to them. That’s why we used it in our shots.)

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  2. Amazing photos of such a beautiful day..Elvi, you were stunning… Wishing I had such an amazing photographer 9 years ago!!! Nice work :)


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